How to use outfit studio fallout 4
How to use outfit studio fallout 4

how to use outfit studio fallout 4

That means that detailed meshes get deformed when exported into Fallout 4 nif formats. This is the alternative explained in Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 of this tutorial.įallout 4 nif files are, by default, medium precision (probably due to Fallout 4 mods being also available for consoles). * Doesn't import nif files (only exports them)

how to use outfit studio fallout 4

* Exported meshes are low quality (medium precision) * Difficult to use (there is no documentation) * Requires 3ds max 2013 (not available anymore) * Low quality weighting (you can only copy weights between meshes) * Low quality of geometry (medium precision) * Creates almost all extra data (physics) * High quality of geometry (full precision) * Most of the work is done in Blender (easy for Blender users) Instead of using 3ds max as a bridge between Blender and the game, there are two other alternatives, each one with its pros and cons. Import process Fallout 4 nif file -> 3ds Max -> Fallout 3 nif file -> Blender Work in Blender Create meshes Create UV maps Add weights to the meshes Export process Blender -> Fallout 3 nif file -> 3ds max -> Fallout 4 nif file -> NifSkope -> Fallout 4 nif file (fixed) The main process explained previously consisted in the following steps:

how to use outfit studio fallout 4

Part 2 and Creating an armour for Fallout 4. Part 1, Creating an armour for Fallout 4. Here I am going to explain some existing alternatives to the process explained in the main tutorial ( Creating an armour for Fallout 4. This is the fourth part of the tutorial on how to create an armour for Fallout 4.

How to use outfit studio fallout 4